Our Story
Paul and Scott, our son-in-love, were bringing groceries in from the car, when I noticed they were placing the groceries on top of my stove top in our newly built house! I was scared that they had scratched it.
The Idea
Paul and Scott, our son-in-love, were bringing groceries in from the car, when I noticed they were placing the groceries on top of my stove top in our newly built house! I was scared that they had scratched it. I told my husband that before we brought any more groceries, I needed him to build me a cover. He and Scott went outside that afternoon, put their thoughts together, and the stovetop cover was born!
Paul and Brenda
Paul and Brenda have been married for 50 years. They have two grown children and two teenage
grandchildren. Paul served in Christian ministry for 29 years and then returned to work in the school
system. Brenda was a teacher, counselor, & principal in her 34 years in the educational system. She now
counsels in private practice.